JTree Tweetup 2009, Friday, November 13 - Sunday, November 15Post Tweetup Page
Post Tweetup comments
"An utterly mind blowing good time! So very glad I went. Great to meet all of you!" - Rick
This is an informal wiki page to start planning a joshua tree meetup. Anyone can edit this page so we don't have emails flying around and if you want to be notified of changes there is a place in settings somewhere that you can follow things. Most important is to add yourself to the participant list and select which dates work for you. I have just started this thread to make things easier than email coordination.
Tally of Participants
Instructions: Put your name and "+1" if you can attend for sure. If you are not sure, don't put anything. If you are responding for other people, you can + as many as you like (i.e. +2 means you and one other person will attend).
Add your name to the list so we have a general sense of who is planning on participating and where you are coming from. There is limited parking in the park so we should try to carpool as much as possible
9/16/09 - I copy pasted folks into different groups correct me if I'm wrong! (@rockgrrl)
@eleddy representin' San Dieeegggoooo. Planning on TR and maybe some bouldering
@katiebeth reppin' the Central Valley of CA...home of smog, agriculture, & the Yosemite Valley! May possibly have another participant...she's a Valley climber friend who has or will soon relocate to the LA area. Will update once I know for sure. Aaaaand my friend Tiffany is interested in joining up. Again, will update once I know for sure. (The girl is a phenomenal climber, btw.)
@DavidLutzy ... Representing the "french-Canadian" rained out climbers association ;-) Flying in LAX the 12th. driving to J-Tree probably late thursday or friday verry early. If anyone need's a lift.
@rockgrrl representing lovely Ventura, California. Lead, TR, maybe bouldering but not likely. My husband is going too (we'll be there starting early in the week) and I may be bringing more friends as well.
@lstefurak from San Diego. Have lots of todo's on the J-Tree ticklist. I'm down for whatever. Have rack will lead can set up TR's etc.
@chadcat - coming from Santa Barbara, most interested in leading and following trad. Will need to buy lots of tape - I can camp in my car if necessary.
@jennylos currently hailin' from the Fresno, CA. Mostly interested in having a good time, sinking my teeth into some classic boulder problems, lead, and learning from all you coolcats :-)
@nsmonkeygirl - Flying down from San Francisco on Tuesday (Nov. 10). Renting a car and happy to share car if you're coming at the same time!
@JeremyShapiro - YES! Driving down with George and Marcel from San Francisco on Wednesday and heading back up Sunday.
@dubid0 -coming either from San Diego or from Santa Barbara (in the middle of a job transition). Can't wait to meet all these familiar handles, eh, faces :-)
@adventuregrrl - Just bought plane tickets for myself and my boyfriend Dan, we'll see y'all there with @daisie981!
@daisie981 - @adventuregrrl forgot to mention that we are the Philadelphia/East Coast reps! We love to lead, TR, and boulder. Get us on that rock!
@tiffanymroyal - Representin' Seattle! He trad leads, I sport lead (wee bit), trad follow and TR, we both boulder! Yay, Cali in Nov!
@dloo No more flip flopping for me... Just bookd the flight, I'm hitching a ride with @tiffanymroyal and I'll see you there!
@RikRay - Ho Mann! What have we here? Looks like trouble.. Representing the only remaining member of the Avery Outdoor Elite, and NorCal Sierra climbers. Have rack, will travel. Update V 11/7/09 This one went right to the wire. One week out and it looks like I'm gonna make it. Sorry about the piggy bank kids
Unpredictable participantsParticipation uncertain (roughly in order of chance of making it):
@bittabuffalo (aka, Duffy). I don't have a good excuse like Sara. I'm just aloof. (Ok, just kidding. I am starting a new job and don't yet have the vacation thing figured out. Call me 75% "in".) Ok folks, I'm officially out, sorry to say :( I will be extremely jealous of all of you, and so hope you will post many pictures and will tweet many tales. I will be in my new home unpacking boxes and focusing on end-of-year stress at my new job. Climb safe and have fun!!!
@unredacted (Melinda) - Coming in from Tucson, hopefully with @bittabuffalo. If he can't make it, I'll be a little less certain just because it's a long way for my old car. But it's pretty likely I'll be there regardless. I'm out, for so many reasons. The big one is that I can't take the vacation time just now. I'm also still not climbing anyway, thanks to that shoulder injury. Finally, I just bought a house, and it's kinda taking up a lot of time and money at the moment. Wish I could be there and meet you all, though. :-( Next year?
@t from SF - not sure about dates yet, but would love to go bouldering at JTree.
if any of you visit SF and want to try bouldering at Mission Cliffs, @t me on Twitter. I've often got a spare monthly guest pass to share
I also recommend http://skimble.com/ for coordinating/sharing climbing trips. It's a small startup founded/created by two really nice climbers (@marialy and @vanrenen). Feel free to add me on Skimble if you know me or might be in the SF area.
@theclimbergirl (aka, Sara). I'm from the Seattle area, and would likely drive down (depending on weather / dates / etc.) My current RSVP status is: If I'm in the continental United States (which is up in the air, at the moment -- should know more by the end of September), I'll BE there. I have a tentative trip scheduled that would put me back in Seattle on November 14th. I just checked my itinerary, and I'm scheduled to fly through San Fran that day, so (it would be insane) but it MIGHT be possible for me to reschedule the last leg of my flight and grab a ride from San Fran on the 14th. Don't anyone make plans, but I'll keep an open mind about logistics and schedule and see what I can do! There's a chance my trip might not happen at all, in which case, I'd probably drive down, maybe with one or two of my riffraff friends. Will keep you all posted.
@m1nd7r1p (aka, Drew) I'm in St. Louis. I'm currently debating on a trip to Indian Creek with a friend, OR this tweetup; I can only do one. If I come, I'll fly in Wednesday (Tuesday the 10th is booked for me at work) or Thursday, depending on who I can find a ride with. Would want to carpool if possible, can fly home on Monday. @adventuregrrl, got room for one more + trad rack/rope + camp gear? Otherwise I can rent my own car, but looks like parking is getting congested.
Jtree but not during Tweetup Time:
@nerdgerl - Im flying over from Sydney on the 12th Dec, was planning on climbing at JT from 20th Dec... let me know if anyone will be there then!
The Plan
November 13-15 at Joshua Tree National Park.
Arrivals / Departures
rockgrrl: I'll arrive in JTree late Tues night, Nov 10 and leave either in the afternoon/early evening on Sunday.
@eleddy: Driving up with a friend and @dubid0 early sat morning I think so we have daylight to find a place to sleep. I def agree with @jmccartie - we'll need some tape!
@DavidLutzy : Arriving in JTree the 13th in the morning. Leaving sunday evening.
nsmonkeygirl: Flying into Palm Springs at 4:45 on Tues, Nov. 10 and will be renting a car to get out to Jtree. Leaving the morning of Sunday, Nov. 15 (need to get a shower at Coyote Corner before flying out hehe)
@JeremyShapiro - Will drive down from the San Jose / Francisco bay area on Wednesday, heading back up Sunday. :)
@dubid0 - I'm probably going to drive down from SB on Friday night or Sat morning, and return to San Diego Sunday night. It'll be just a regular climbing w/e for me, since I'll be in the middle of moving. This is all assuming my injured finger hasn't become gangrenous and fallen off by then...
@adventuregrrl + @daisie981 + Dan - we're arriving in LA Thursday morning, renting a car and driving out Thursday afternoon. Leaving Monday morning.
@tiffanymroyal - we're flying in late Tuesday night Nov. 10 to Ontario, will be at JTree Wednesday a.m. Leaving EARLY Sunday a.m. from Ontario.
@dloo See you Wed AM!
@RikRay - catchin a ride from Fresno with the Katie-skydivininabikiniwheresthebeach-Beth
Nov 10 (Evening)
Nov 15 (aft / evening)
Nov 14 (morning)
Nov 15 (evening)
@eleddy + friend + @dubid0
Nov 13 (morning)
Nov 15 (evening)
Nov 10 (4:45)
Nov 15 (morning)
Nov 11
Nov 15
@JeremyShapiro + @sudarkoff
Nov 13 / Nov 14
Nov 15 (night)
Nov 12 (morning)
Nov 15 (morning)
Nov 12 (morning)
Nov 15 (morning)
Nov 12 (morning)
Nov 15 (morning)
Nov 11 (morning)
Nov 15 (early morning)
Nov 11 (morning)
Nov 15 (early morning)
Nov 11 (morning)
Nov 15 (early morning)
Nov 13 (morning)
Nov 15 (midday)
@katiebeth + @RikRay
Nov 12 (real late night
or Nov 13 really early
Nov 15 once climbing
is done, so late
Where we can see how to get who where in the most efficient/convenient way. Also where we should direct any potential sponsors to donate $$. ;) (@katiebeth)
Vehicle Count
Add your name and how many vehicles you will have, also note if you can carpool
rockgrrl - 1 car, it will be a 2 seater unfortunately (have to take out back seats to carry gear, samples, for the week). My husband and I will be arriving early (see Arrivals/Departures section)
eleddy: driving from san diego, can take 3 more peep comfortabley, 2 if there's lots of gear. Anyone bringing thier dog(s)???
nsmonkeygirl - 1 car.
JeremyShapiro - 1 car. Coming from San Jose area near San Francisco. Carpooling with Marcel and George
katiebeth - 1 car, coming from Central Valley...will carpool if you can get here or near here.
adventuregrrl - 1 car with Dan and @daisie981 in it!
tiffanymroyal - 1 car, coming from Ontario, with boyfriend Randy and @dloo
Chadcat - 1 car, driving from Santa Barbara - interested in carpooling, also, I have a year pass so anybody that I go into the park with gets in free ;-)
@DavidLutzy - 1 car from Santa Monica area leaving the 13th and back on the 16th. Can take passengers no problem.
Campsite Info
Park Entrance Fee Options:
7-Day Vehicle Permit$15
Joshua Tree National Park Annual Pass$30
Interagency Annual Pass: $80 this pass replaces the National Park Pass and Golden Eagle Passport. It provides access to Federal recreation sites, including National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Forest Service.
Campsite Fees:
Hidden Valley, Belle, Ryan, Jumbo Rocks and White Tank campgrounds are $10 a night. You pay using an envelope system once you've found a site.
Campsite Plan:
Ideal situation: We all camp in Hidden Valley - but with 23 people (and counting) it's going to be every camper for themself.. However...
Plan Proposal by @rockgrrl10/26/09: If Nina (@nsmonkeygirl) and Tiffany can help me out and everyone can chip in to pay for the extra camping nights, I'm thinking of getting 4 sites so we can accomodate everyone confirmed up to this point. 4 sites means we can definitely accomodate 8 cars, 12 tents, 24 people without potential problems with rangers. There is a backpacker parking lot that folks can leave their cars in (we'd have to shuttle folks).
After talking to a local this weekend I think it's possible to get 4 sites altogether in one campground though it'll involve some of us having to give up some climbing time to check on site availability throughout Wednesday (my usual climbing group has done this in the past with good results by climbing in Hidden Valley campground itself). We'll still be aiming for Hidden Valley but if we must we will get 4 sites in the other campgrounds (2nd choice Ryan, 3rd Jumbo Rocks) so that we can all at least be in walking distance and can hang out centrally in the evenings this way folks arriving later than Wednesday won't have to stress about where to camp :)
What do you guys think of this plan? Is that ok with everyone? It ideally means we'd all be in Hidden Valley campground but it could also mean we're all in Jumbo Rocks. Feeback in the comments area for this Wiki would be great :) Or you can DM me via Twitter or just email me.
11/4/09 The Plan: (This is @rockgrrl speaking) So after many Twitter DMs, emails and comments we have The Plan. Nina and I will aim to get a total of 4 sites (for 8 cars, 12 tents, 24 people without potential problems) by Wednesday night all in the same campground. We'll post which ones we get on Bulletin Board 2 (the one near the Trash / recycle dumpsters) in Hidden Valley Campground (see the Google Map I made). Wednesday night I'll also drive out of the park to send emails / update my voicemail message to let folks know where we ended up. We'll need $8 each to reimburse the campsite holders (it may be cheaper than that depending on when we get the sites). After the initial getting of sites we'll designate one camp as JTreeTweetup HQ and detailed notes (where everyone is climbing, etc) can be left there (stones on notes on top of the picnic table).
11/9/09: Please dm (d rockgrrl) or email me ( rockgrrl at my domain name) your cell phone numbers. I'm setting up a "JTreeTweetUp hotline" - basically it'll be my Google voice number & if you call (and I have you designated in my Jtree list of contacts) then you'll hear a special voicemail msg from me re: site numbers etc. I'll still leave a note on the designated bulletin board though and also @katiebeth (she isnt' leaving till Thurs) will be point person if Google Voice goes down/has issues.
Backup Camping Options:
There is BLM land near Joshua Tree (I don't have the details on this right now sorry @rockgrrl) - I tried BLM near JT once, it was a horrible experience that I wouldn't recommend to anyone - just stay in a hotel. [I've heard there are some good & bad spots - The Pit is bad for example @rockgrrl].
Hotels/Motels in Joshua Tree (the town)
Hotels/Motels in 29 Palms
If things are full and you don't want a hotel or BLM you can backpack on the boy scout trail is close and you only have to be one mile from the road to set up. I have done this when hidden valley and everything near that was completely full and it worked out well (quiet and peaceful). There is a backcountry parking lot near the entrance to get on the trail.
i.e. We will do 100 routes in 100 hours or die tryin...
1. Figures on a Landscape (5.10b), North Astro Dome, Wonderland of Rocks
i.e. We will need 30 ropes, 50 biners, and 400 cliff bars. Who can bring what? Added 10/26/09: We'll also need firewood!
@eleddy I can bring a rope if needed, beer for sure
@DavidLutzy ... Rope, huge trad rack ... And CliffBars
@rockgrrl - rack, rope... and 400 cliff bars! (ok not 400 but a good amount of 'em!... Clif Bar agreed to be a sponsor!) AND I'll be bringing Action Wipes! Thanks @marthavan! 11/4/09 AND I'll be bringing some Joshua Tree Products provided by Inner Passage (@matthew_walker).
@lstefurak - Have way too much gear can bring ropes/cams/pads as needed.
@katiebeth I have a crash pad, & can also bring food
@RikRay - Wadda U need? Ropes/Rack, don't use pads cause I don't own one. Definitely bringing Cliff bars
@dloo - Rope / half sport rack.
@chadcat - 2 ropes, a mess of a trad rack (only good for doubling up on sizes really), crash pad for others to use, Cliff bars make me fatter, which is not good for belayers.
@nsmonkeygirl - 1 rope, a trad rack w/ doubles of most cams and one GIANT size 6 C4, nuts/offset nuts, hexes, tricams, some quickdraws and TR gear, box of firewood
@jennylos - me and the band of valley hooligans will bring any gear we can cram. ropes/racks/crashpads. Will definitely be contributing to the cliff bar extravaganza, and then some.
@dubid0 - I'll bring rope, trad rack & beta.
@adventuregrrl - Crash pad, possibly rope... and excitement! Oh, and a JTree bouldering book. Making a wish list this weekend!
@daisie981 - several aliens, set of nuts, quickdraws, BEER
Virgin's Guide to JTree - Lots of great beta and suggestions on various topics - travel, camping, food, & climbing
Rockgrrl's Guide Book Shop - I suggest getting the 1st book (Trad Guide to Jtree) plus either the 3rd (Rock climbing Jtree) or the 4th book (Rockclimbing JTree West). I own the 1st and 3rd books.
Free Stuff
Climbers Coffee - Bring your own mug.
Most Saturdays and Sundays during the peak climbing season.
@ Hidden Valley Campground near Intersection Rock
8 am til the coffee runs out [@rockgrrl they also have hot cocoa]
Comments (1)
xvip87 said
at 8:14 pm on Mar 26, 2012
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