
Nor'Easter Tweetup

Page history last edited by PatrickGensel 14 years, 1 month ago

EMS Nor'Easter! Woot!

It's like woodstock for climbing... The 2010 Nor'easter is coming to Loon Mountain in Lincoln, New Hampshire this September 24-26. Check out the site here: http://www.noreasterems.com/home.html 


Coming for sure? Take a moment and add your info here: http://bit.ly/aGrMF1 


Participants - Who's Planning on Going?

If you think you might be able to make it, put your name on the list with any relevant notes. (i.e. possibly bringing friends, etc. Hashtag: #NETweetup


  • @Campthesummit AKA @patrickgensel
  • @JimDarroch -- @EASTERNMNTN 
  • @TaxNerdAtPlay (with @AJSilver01)
  • @PrivonG
  • @Blueskeyes207
  • @k8tlevy
  • @heatherr_ann
  • @ajsfour
  • @irwy
  • @Realstevetheo
  • @BillUrbanski




The dates are Sept 24-26th 2010


In-Town Rally Points: 


  •   North Conway





Where we can see how to get who where in the most efficient/convenient way. Post if you're willing to carpool & from where, or if you find any great plane ticket deals, etc...


Vehicle Count

Add your name and how many vehicles you will have, also note if you can carpool

  • @BlueSkEyes207 Will be driving from the DC area. Depending on if I have my VW I may have room for drifters. 
  • @campthesummit/@patrickgensel Leaving from the PA Poconos area early friday AM, @k8tlevy and @billurbanski will be with me. may have room for one more.
  • @TaxNerdAtPlay will be driving from Toronto. Room for 1 or 2 more (might be squishy with gear if 2) 


Campsite Info


There is camping at the event on the 24th and 25th. We will have to find other accommodations for the 23rd and the 26th.


Camping research, go!

Choices Choices! - http://www.ucampnh.com/wm_region.php




Some Local Hotel Info/Links




If you've got any must-do routes or problems, here's where you record that!




Just put your name and what you're bringing (i.e. ropes, crashpads, racks, etc.)  

@campthesummit/@patrickgensel - 3 ropes, Trad rack, Sport Rack, Extra Soloist tent if anyone needs it


Emergency Info



Useful Links




Climbing is Dangerous

Climbing is inherently dangerous and the risk of death or serious injury can never be completely eliminated. It is up to each individual to make his or her own choices regarding acceptable risk. Tweetups are collaborative efforts with no individual organizers, and each participant only assumes liability for their own well being, just as you assume liability for yours! Cheers!


No really, this is the end. 


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