
2nd Annual JTree Tweetup

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Saved by Eileen Ringwald
on September 8, 2010 at 10:11:20 am

2nd Annual JTree Tweetup 2010

Let's Do it Again! - Joshua Tree National Park, California


Participants - Who's Planning on Going?

If you think you might be able to make it, put your name on the list with any relevant notes. (i.e. possibly bringing friends, etc. Hashtag: #JtreeTweetup 

@rockgrrl: I checked, group sites at this late date are out. I'm going to call it for 11/13 in a week or so unless we get a huge influx of folks who put their names in for the other dates. This means I'll be doing my "come in early in the week" plan, anyone who wants to come out early with me is more than welcome (I could use the help w site wrangling).


  • @rockgrrl (+1, maybe more)
  • @pwcarey
  • @eleddy - the later the better - I have to wait for these ribs to heal up! 
  • @joshuamontague - would love to come! Definitely can't plan this far ahead, though. Will check back in later! 
  • @mtsquirrel - I'm interested, tentatively -- might want to combine it with a birthday trip to Red Rocks too 
  • @adrienneknits -- i missed the first one! i really hope i can make it this time! :) 
  • @benpope (+1, I think)  -- missed it last year, but would love to get in on the action this time around! 
  • @sudarkoff 
  • @Blueskeyes207 - Maybe. I really want to come, but will depend on job situation and such.
  • @Patrickgensel Depends on cost of flight, still have a decent amount of time off from work that i need to use up.
  • @PrivonG (+1 if I can make it) - possibly, depends on the weekend.
  • @dmasten
  • @RikRay Huh, not havin' a party without me :) New Job, mucho work, but I make my own schedule. Winging it again this year. Climber quote: "Never commit to anything, because people start expecting shit"



The dates represented are the Saturday of each given weekend. I'm assuming we'll make a long weekend of the trip with whoever can go, so keep that in mind. If a particular weekend works for you, put your name next to that date and update the tally. If a date doesn't work for you, leave it blank. 


  • 10/9:     
    • @m1nd7r1p (possibly)
    • @rockgrrl  
    • @dubid0 
    • @dmasten


  • 10/16:  
    • @rockgrrl
    • @dubid0 
    • @benpope
    • @dmasten


  • 10/23:     
    • @rockgrrl 
    • @benpope 
    • @dmasten


  •  10/30 (Halloween weekend): 
    • @rockgrrl 
    • @eleddy 
    • @adrienneknits 
    • @sudarkoff 
    • @patrickgensel
    • @PrivonG
    • @dmasten (maybe, depends on whether I'm going to a shuttle launch)


  • 11/6:   
    • @rockgrrl 
    • @eleddy 
    • @dloo (tentative -  Might be in Vegas the following week) 
    • @dubid0 
    • @adrienneknits 
    • @benpope 
    • @sudarkoff 
    • @BlueSkEyes207
    • @patrickgensel
    • @PrivonG
    • @dmasten
    • @Rikray (iffy, maybe, could happen, not sure, long shot, never know)


  • 11/13 (Veteran's Day is the Thursday before this weekend, this is the weekend we had the 1st Tweetup) 
    • @rockgrrl
    • @pwcarey
    • @eleddy 
    • @dubid0
    • @adrienneknits 
    • @dloo 
    • @katiebeth (maybe)
    • @benpope 
    • @sudarkoff 
    • @BlueSkEyes207
    • @patrickgensel
    • @PrivonG
    • @dmasten
    • @Rikray (possible, maybe, chance, has worked in the past)



Where we can see how to get who where in the most efficient/convenient way. Post if you're willing to carpool & from where, or if you find any great plane ticket deals, etc...


Vehicle Count

Add your name and how many vehicles you will have, also note if you can carpool

  • @rockgrrl - From Ventura, CA. I'll be coming out early in the week (Tues?) & will have a 4 seater  (3 folks plus gear depending on amount of stuff).
  • @pwcarey - I'll be flying in and need help. I always need help, but I also always pack chocolate.  I think you see where I'm going with this.
  • @eleddy - depends. if someone wants to carpool from san francisco we can work that out. otherwise I'll fly into san diego and hitch a ride there.
  • @dubid0 - From Santa Barbara, CA. Should be able to fit 2 more. 
  • @adrienneknits -- from sf bay area. i'd be willing to carpool.  
  • @katiebeth - from Central CA...willing to carpool w/Bay Area folk? 
  • @BlueSkEyes207 - From DC, Would be flying in and need a carpool. Can fly into wherever is easiest. 
  • @patrickgensel - Probably flying into PSP. either hitchhiking or carpooling.
  • @PrivonG - possibly flying from DC, possibly driving from Berkley. waiting to hear about work...
  • @dmasten - I'm almost a local, coming from Mojave, CA. I can swing by BUR or LAX, room for 3, and I have an Interagency Annual Pass
  • @RikRay - Will pool, may be departing Bay Area if I'm moved by then. If not, driving one truck.  (not making KB drive this year )


Campsite Info


Park Entrance Fee Options:

  • 7-Day Vehicle Permit $15
  • Joshua Tree National Park Annual Pass $30
  • Interagency Annual Pass: $80 this pass replaces the National Park Pass and Golden Eagle Passport. It provides access to Federal recreation sites, including National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Forest Service.


Campsite Fees:

Hidden Valley, Belle, Ryan, Jumbo Rocks and White Tank campgrounds are $10 a night. You pay using an envelope system once you've found a site.

Sheep's Pass has a group campsite for $25, it must be reserved.


Campsite Plan:

No group campsites available for our target dates (as expected, one really has to reserve them months in advance). I'll be doing my plan from last year and getting sites early. Anyone who wants to come out earlier in the week is welcome too. I could use the help wrangling sites. Last year we were lucky and got 4 all next to each other in Ryan Campground - @rockgrrl


Backup Camping Options:

  • There is BLM land near Joshua Tree
  • Hotels/Motels in Joshua Tree (the town)
  • Hotels/Motels in 29 Palms
  • If things are full and you don't want a hotel or BLM you can backpack on the boy scout trail, It's close and you only have to be one mile from the road to set up. I have done this when hidden valley and everything near that was completely full and it worked out well (quiet and peaceful). There is a backcountry parking lot near the entrance to get on the trail.





i.e. We will need 30 ropes, 50 biners, firewood, etc

  • @pwcarey - I can bring a 50m rope and cameras. I plan on doing more still and video than climbing this time.
  • @PrivonG - would bring a 60m rope, rack, and a camera
  • @dmasten - will bring a rope, bunch of biners, and various and sundry webbing
  • @rockgrrl - rack, cameras, ? we'll see if I can get us sponsored again ;)  If anyone reading this is interested contact me: rockgrrl at the same plus .com


Emergency Info

Emergency Information 


Useful Links


Free Stuff

Climbers Coffee - Bring your own mug.

Most Saturdays and Sundays during the peak climbing season.

@ Hidden Valley Campground near Intersection Rock

8 am til the coffee runs out [@rockgrrl they also have hot cocoa]

Brought to you by the NPS and Friends of Joshua Tree.

See you there,  Bernadette - JT Climbing Ranger


Climbing is Dangerous

Climbing is inherently dangerous and the risk of death or serious injury can never be completely eliminated. It is up to each individual to make his or her own choices regarding acceptable risk. Tweetups are collaborative efforts and each participant only assumes liability for their own well being, just as you assume liability for yours! Cheers!


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